Roundup Workshops
Now Accepting 2025 Submissions
The theme of the Chicago Round Up 2025 is “Courage to Change.” The Workshop Committee was inspired to develop this year’s slate of workshops with themes that embody change. This will hopefully guide prospective facilitators in developing their workshop presentations. To assist in that process, the committee has provided some resources that offer guidance on creating a successful workshop. Need ideas for your workshop, check out these fun activities. Check out these tips on how to plan your workshop.
Facilitators are responsible for providing their own materials specific to your workshop, such as worksheets, crafting materials, and informational handouts.
This Year’s Workshop Themes
Back to Basics
This workshop block focuses on the nuts and bolts of 12-step recovery. The intent is to workshop all 12 steps throughout the weekend. Some workshops present logical groupings of steps (4 and 5, 6 and 7) to the time to truly understand the steps. This theme includes workshops on sponsorship, newcomers, and long-timers.
(Running time 1 hr 15 min)
Creating Change
This block of workshops examines a variety of topics that foster change. Workshops would focus on a variety of topics such as financial health, goal setting and healthy risk-taking, creativity, and the arts, setting boundaries, exploring other fellowships, and navigating apps, sex, and dating in recovery.
(Running time 1 hr 15 min to 1 hr 30 min)
Relapse Prevention
This block focuses on relapse prevention techniques, boundaries, and refusal skills. Mental health professionals could also provide psychoeducation on a variety of topics such as the biological and mental cycle of addiction, the risk of untreated depression and anxiety, and the connection between relapse cues, triggers, and urges. (Running time 1 hr 15 min to 1 hr 30 min)
Meditation 101
These workshops will be led by facilitators familiar with various meditation techniques, such as meditation visualization, gratitude reflection meditation, mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditative breathing. The Workshop Committee has resources available that detail a wide range of meditation techniques with information that may prove useful.
(Running time 45 min)
Mental Health & Recovery
These psychoeducational workshops will be presented by members of the recovery community who are also qualified, licensed mental health professionals. Offerings here could include workshop topics like sex and intimacy, dual diagnosis, psych meds in recovery, understanding the Stages of Change, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other therapeutic interventions used by counselors and therapists.
(Running time 1 hr 30 min)
The concepts of the Experiential workshops encourage active engagement from all participants. These offerings in past years have proven to be transformative and deeply meaningful for the participants. It is a perfect way to close out the CRU weekend. These workshops will be scheduled on Sunday morning before the closing brunch.
(Running time 2 hrs)