Cathy A. / Friday @ 6:30pm, August 25, 2023
Sobriety Date: October 31, 1999

Cathy is an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous and is doing much service in the LGBTIQ+ recovery community. She has been so blessed to lead retreats and workshops throughout the United States. Her most popular workshop is Drop the Rock, which is being offered during the workshops at the Roundup. She wakes up every morning full of gratitude that AA gave her her life.

Joey M.  /  Saturday @ 7:00pm, August 26, 2023
Sobriety Date: April 21, 1991

A familiar face in Chicago’s LGBTQ+ recovery spaces, Joey is happy to share his experience, strength, and hope to anyone who wants to listen. Leaning into the notion that he doesn’t have the luxury of being anonymous, Joey lives his recovery openly, and believes in the tenet of “practicing these principles in all our affairs.” He looks forward to sharing his story at this year’s family reunion.

Bonnie B.  /   Sunday @ 11:30am, August 27, 2023
Sobriety Date: October 21, 1987

A third generation San Diego native, a creative spirit and a recovery badass, working it a day at a time in AA since 21 October 1987. She recently made it out of an abusive marriage and found emotional sobriety in ACA on 3 March 2019. She is a vibrant Queer activist, an ordained priestess, a FatChanceBellyDance Sister Studio instructor, a compassionate teacher of yoga and meditation, and a Court Appointed Special Advocate for Trans foster youth.

Scholarships available

Scholarship tickets are available to those who cannot afford to attend otherwise. With a scholarship the registration, banquet and entertainment are provided for free in exchange for 3 hours of your time to help out with the event.

CRU 2023 Speakers