Lane Captain & Bowler Resources
Tips for raising money:
A simple social media post on Facebook, Instagram are fine ways to solicit donations.
But individual, personalized messages are more effective. We’ve provided a template to send to friends, family, coworkers, and anyone else you think might be supportive of our community. You can cut and paste this, but also feel free to make it your own.
This template is specifically written so that it doesn't "out" you as a person in recovery. Chicago Roundup is an independent 501c3 charitable organization, so you should feel comfortable asking for donations outside of the 12-step community, just as you would with any other cause.
However, a personal touch goes a long way! If you do feel comfortable, sharing your story is a great way to personalize this request. What has the Chicago Roundup meant to you and your recovery?
If each member of a team of 6 can collect a $10 donation from just 20 people (or $20 from just 10 people), you've pretty much already reached your goal!
Sample donation request:
“On April 14, I'll be bowling in Chicago Roundup's annual bowling fundraiser benefiting LGBTQ individuals recovering from substance abuse and other addictions. The Chicago Roundup provides safe, sober community events throughout the year, as well as a three-day conference in August that includes educational workshops, meals, entertainment, and special guest speakers.
To make my bowling worthwhile (aside from my awesome bowling skills), can I ask for your support?
If everyone who receives this is able to donate just $10 (but more is better!), we will reach our team goal of $1250. Donate by going to and clicking on the Donate button by our team name.
While you're on the website, you can also learn more about the Chicago Roundup.
Thanks in advance for your donation!”